2024–25 Membership
Marc Miller
- Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture
- Stuckeman School Associate Director for Access, Wellbeing, and Equity
Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis
- Associate Professor of Art Education, Asian Studies, and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Nathan Manna
- Graduate Student (Art History) Representative, ED&I Committee
Velvet Brown
- David P. Stone Chair, Professor of Tuba and Euphonium
- Associate Director for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Victoria Monroe
- Student Council Representative, A&A Alumni Society Board
- Undergraduate (LArch) Student Representative, ED&I Committee
Committee Details
ED&I Resources
Resources for College of Arts and Architecture Community
From Penn State
Freedom of Speech: The Basics | Addressing Bias
Student Affairs
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Life Hack Kit: Sociopolitical Stress
Red Folder
This resource assists faculty and staff in addressing situations where students are in distress.
Conflict Response Consultation
If there are situations where faculty or staff feel that there may be space for mediation or mediated dialogues, our office has conflict response options that can be accessed via this form.
Student Accountability and Conflict Response Resources
If individuals have a concern about another person's actions or behaviors, they are able to report a concern to the University via a number of reporting options, to include BTMT, Code of Conduct and Bias. President Bendapudi sends reminders to the community about reporting resources.
OSACR Faculty and Staff Resources
The Office of Student Accountability & Conflict Response (OSACR) provides information to assist faculty and staff members in addressing various concerns such as academic integrity, student misconduct, and/or behavioral concerns.
Student Legal Resources
No appointment is needed for Student Legal Services' Drop-In Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Students can visit drop-ins in person at 204 East Calder Way, Suite 200 or virtually via Zoom
External Resources
National Center for Transgender Equality
Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund
(The previous two resources currently are merging to become one organization - NCTE)
From Psychologist Leann Deiderich
From the Center for Artistic Activism
Cognitive Distortions for Artistic Activists
And, things to read, watch, and think about in the days ahead...
Hope in the Dark by Rebecca Solnit