Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis
- Associate Professor of Art Education, Asian Studies, and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Decolonization and Anti-racist Art Educational Praxis
Critical Place/Land-based Art Praxis and Inquiry
Transnational Feminist Art Pedagogy
Asian American Art and its Curriculum
Refugee Art Education
Community Art Praxis
30D Borland
- Email mxb1065@psu.edu
- Pronouns she/her/her
Her decolonizing, anti-racist research and teaching address critical place/land-based art inquiries and praxis, transcultural/critical race feminist approach to art education, and the potential value and importance of community-based art learning. Much of my research work has been conducted in the lives of U.S. minoritized Asian immigrant and refugee tribal girls of color. In 2012, she established UrbanWild art + education community program in Buffalo NY, where her (media) art-based, youth participatory research with the refugee children and girls has been conducted and is still ongoing. It produces a mobile story-based archive with oral storytelling, photovoice works, sound stories, and site-specific art installations and performances, as well as of digital graphic novels. Her scholarly works appear in peer-reviewed publications in the fields of art education, education, media and cultural studies, and women and gender studies. She was awarded Manuel Barkan Award, J. Eugene Grigsby, Jr. Award, Grace Hampton Invited lecture, and Mary, J. Rouse Early Research Award in NAEA (National Art Education Association) and SUNY Diversity Research Award.
She is currently the senior editor of the Art Education Journal, National Art Education Association.