Rasa D. Drane

  • Senior Supervisor of Access, Admissions and Retention
  • Recruitment and admission process design

  • Underrepresented student recruitment, retention and graduation

  • Community partnerships and engagement models

  • Black STEM student success

Office of Undergraduate Education
104 Borland Building

Rasa Drane


After leaving a decade-long career in the pharmaceutical industry, Rasa Drane, stumbled into higher education, but fell right into place! Rasa specializes in creating systems and partnerships that provide access and exposure to educational opportunities. Her areas of interest and expertise include underrepresented student recruitment, retention and graduation, and cultivating community partnerships.

Rasa is a proud graduate of Bethune-Cookman University, an HBCU founded by the dynamic Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, and Penn State University. She is also the Owner and Creative Director of Ray Dray Presents, and “edutainment” production company.