Woskob gallery showcasing interactive light painting by a participant.


Visit A&A

Find your place!

stuckeman family building views interior and exterior

Request more information

Want to learn more? Tell us a bit about you, what programs you’re considering, and we will provide detailed information or set up a meeting.

Information Request Form

Accepted student event sign-up

Do you have an admission offer? First…congratulations! Next…register for an accepted student event within your MyPennState portal.

On-campus tours

School of Music Visits

During the summer, we recommend Spend a Summer Days to learn about what the School of Music has to offer!

Availability for individual tours is limited. If interested, please contact musicrecruiting@psu.edu or the faculty member for your instrument to schedule.

We invite you to join us for Fall Visit Day on Monday, October 14, 2024. This event provides an excellent opportunity to interact with private lesson (studio) teachers, ensembles, and current students, and visit our beautiful campus. The day will include information sessions for students and parents, private or group mini-lessons, open ensemble rehearsals, and other sessions. This event is capped at 350 people (students and their guests), so we encourage early registration to guarantee your spot!

During the academic year we are happy to welcome you for personalized visits on weekdays. If you are interested in touring the School of Music facilities, the School of Music has created a visit planning form to help students and their families choose the activities most important to them. Our team will be in touch to work out a specific schedule for your visit. The form has the meeting days and times for all ensembles, studio classes, etc.

If you have any questions about planning a visit you may contact the School of Music at musicrecruiting@psu.edu.

School of Theatre Visits

If you are interested in learning about our Musical Theatre or Acting programs, please register for an information session on one of the following dates:

Virtual Sessions for Musical Theatre and Acting via Zoom
Wednesday, August 21 at 6:30PM Eastern Time - Register Here

On-Campus Information Sessions for Musical Theatre and Acting
Friday, June 14 at 1:30PM Eastern Time - Register Here
Friday, July 19 at 1:30PM Eastern Time - Register Here
Friday, August 9 at 1:30PM Eastern Time - Register Here

Students interested in other programs in the School of Theatre (Theatre BA, Theatre BFA Design, Technology, and Management) should contact Shannon Ritter to coordinate a meeting with faculty in that area.

See it in 360º

Welcome to our studios and spaces! Each of these 360º views is a portal of sorts into the learning, performance, and fabrication spaces of our college.

You can click-and-drag to control the view in the frame, and there are embedded ‘links’ within the viewer that enable you to move among physical locations. By clicking the arrow icon at the footer of the viewer window, you can access the tour navigation menu, including the full screen (and you really should check these out full screen).

School of Music

Stuckeman School Shops and Studios

(Architecture and Landscape Architecture)

Graphic Design Studios

School of Visual Arts

Theatre Performance Classrooms and Stages

Theatre Technical and Shop Spaces

And there's more...

We have far more facilities than we do 360º tours, so we encourage you to look around the many places where you will create, compose, perform, research, laugh and learn at A&A

Video Virtual Visits

Visit our programs from wherever you are right now! Experience some the sights and sounds. Get a quick peek at our amazing arts and design facilities. Catch a glimpse of some of the 400+ performances that take place each year. Take a look at these videos, and know that as an A&A student you will experience so much more!

Want to learn more?

Just pop over to our Request for Information form. Tell us a bit about you, what programs you’re considering, and we will provide detailed information or set up a meeting.