Office of Research and Creative Activity
Research | Creative Activity | Graduate Studies
A&A is home to a vibrant community of artists, performers, and designers engaged in leading-edge scholarship and creative practice. Our work leverages design thinking and arts-based practices to produce novel approaches and new insights to tackle the significant challenges of our times.
Our mission is simple: to act as a catalyst for faculty and students in attaining their research and creative practice ambitions, and to position these activities as a central component of the research enterprise at Penn State.
We aim to foster within the college a vibrant culture of inquiry that promotes excellence within our disciplines, while at the same time leveraging the potential of a comprehensive research university.
If you are a member of our community, we invite you to use the resources here to further your research agenda. Please be in touch with the Research Office to discuss your research and creative practice needs.
Office of the Associate Dean for Research, Creative Activity and Graduate Studies
102 Borland Building
University Park, PA 16802
814-865-2018 (fax)
Mallika Bose
Associate Dean for Research, Creative Activity, and Graduate Studies
Barbara A. Cutler
Research Administrator
Tracie Mehalick
Graduate Student Support Coordinator
Faculty Research Proposal Development Process
A&A faculty are invited to visit the Research Proposal Resources page to learn more about identifying funding opportunities and engaging with the college to support your efforts.
Graduate Research and Creative Achievements
Explore. Design. Create. Perform. Inspire. The College of Arts and Architecture is delighted to present the work and celebrate the achievements of our graduate students.
Centers and Initiatives
The College of Arts and Architecture provides research and creative activity space, funding and project development opportunities through a variety of Centers and Initiatives.

Close up texture of mycelium spores on linen from Felicia Davis research related to textile architecture, bio-sensing smart garments that can improve health outcomes.
Credit: Rebecca Kiger for The Washington PostIn its inaugural fall 2023 issue, “insight/incite” highlights a selection of exciting research and creative practice centered in the college. We invite you to explore, be inspired, and engage.
Issue contents plus links to additional information related to featured scholars’ work and activity.

News Highlights
See all News
September 05, 2024
Woskob Gallery to host workshop for exhibit exploring storytelling, caregiving

April 03, 2023
Worlds Collide: Art history and materials science in the Yucatán

February 06, 2023
Work from Computational Textiles Lab researchers on international display

October 26, 2023
Work by Stuckeman professors featured in Carnegie Museum of Art exhibition

October 22, 2024
Work by Stuckeman architecture researcher featured in Los Angeles exhibition

October 22, 2020