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Art History Professor Daniel Zolli co-organizes panel, gives paper at annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America

Art history scholar and Getty Foundation administrator Elizabeth "Cassie" Mansfield named head of Department of Art History

"New York Times" critic Holland Cotter reviews William Dewey's "Striking Iron" exhibition

Art History faculty Sarah Rich and Daniel Zolli organize Materiality of Artists' Colors conference at Penn State

Art History Ph.D. candidate Keri Mongelluzzo represents department at Graduate Symposium on the History of Art at the Barnes Foundation

Bill Dewey's "Striking Iron: The Art of African Blacksmiths" exhibition named to critic Holland Cotter's top 10 list

Art History Ph.D. candidate Janet Purdy named a 2019-20 Center for Humanities and Information Predoctoral Fellow

Art History faculty member Nancy Locke named Roslyn Brock Stern Visiting Scholar in Art History at Auburn University

Evan Pugh Professor of Art History Anthony Cutler gives paper at Archaeological Institute of America meeting

Art History Ph.D. candidate Elizabeth Petersen wins CEMS Graduate Student Conference Paper Prize competition

Art History Professor Amara Solari presents at College Art Association annual conference

Visual Resources Centre Curator and Art History Ph.D. student develop interactive website about technical art history and forgery

Art History Ph.D. candidate Olga Zaikina-Kondur's peer-reviewed article published in the University of Toronto Art Journal

Art History Professor Daniel Zolli publishes article in "Renaissance Quarterly"

Art History Professor Madhuri Desai publishes book review in "Journal of Asian Studies"

Art History Ph.D candidate Laura Freitas Almeida receives Alumni Association Dissertation Award

Art History faculty member Daniel Zolli receives research grants from the American Philosophical Society and Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation

Art History faculty member Sarah Rich receives 2019 Atherton Award for Excellence in Teaching

Art History Ph.D. candidate Emily Hagen presents on digital scholarship at Visual Resources Association conference

"Striking Iron: The Art of African Blacksmiths," co-curated by Art History faculty member Bill Dewey, opens at the National Museum

Madhuri Desai wins prestigious Hitchcock Book Award from Society of Architectural Historians

Dewey and team win Association of Art Museum Curators Award of Excellence

Theresa Kutasz Christensen awarded Aurora Borealis Prize in Literary Studies