October 01, 2019
2018 Judy Chicago Art Education Award Presented to Michigan Teacher

The†Judy Chicago Art Education Award†has been awarded to Melissa Leaym-Fernandez of Flint Community Schools in Flint, Michigan, for her submission titled ?The Power of Our Mothers.? The award was presented to Leaym-Fernandez, who will join Penn State this fall as a doctoral student in the†College of Arts and Architecture, during a ceremony on April 17, as part of the inaugural†U.S.-China Art Summit.
Inspired by artist and art educator†Judy Chicago?s†?The Dinner Party,? art installation and curriculum project, Leaym-Fernandez will guide students to create ?a work to explain the power, experiences, and the awesomeness of their own mothers,? she said, in her award submission essay. Her intention with this project, she added, ?is to teach kids how to find their voice, a voice of appreciation, or anger, regarding the strong women in their lives.?