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Art Ed Alumnus Donates Two of His Wood Sculptures to Penn State

Art Education Graduate Students Win National and Penn State Honors

2017-18 Faculty Research Grant Recipients

Fergusons "Pay it Forward" with Scholarship for Students Who Play Piano or Wind Instrument

Keifer-Boyd Receives VSA Beverly Levett Gerber Special Needs Lifetime Achievement Award

The Art of Revamping AA100: Graduate Students, Instructional Designers, and the Original Course Author Collaborate to Develop an Online Course

Four Zabel Advisees Participate in International Conference on Architectural History

Visual Arts Professor Awarded Prestigious Rome Prize

DeCastro Named USITT Fellow

2018 Judy Chicago Art Education Award Presented to Michigan Teacher

Getting Back to Art's Roots: New Art Course Collaborates with Student Farm

"Plastic Entanglements" Breaks Palmer Museum Attendance Record

Getty Foundation Administrator to Lead Penn State Department of Art History

Visual arts professor's works chosen for Irish Museum of Modern Art collection

HAX to Revolutionize Online Course Authoring in EdTech

School of Theatre professor has first book published

Carpenter appointed interim director of Penn State School of Visual Arts

Penn State College of Arts and Architecture Represented at Contemporary Cast Iron Conference

'Gravity Schmavity: Repurposed Plastic Sculpture' Exhibition on Display at Arboretum

Detective Work: An interdisciplinary dive into the history of American art

Voice Faculty Members Publish Book

Award-Winning Director Rick Lombardo to Lead Penn State School of Theatre

Doan Named Artist-in-Residence in Penn State College of Nursing for 2018–19 Academic Year