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Art History Ph.D. candidate Tess Kutasz Christensen wins Committee for Early Modern Studies Graduate Student Paper Award

Cantata for the Centenary of the Armistice

Music faculty to Cuba

School of Music welcomes Baljinder Sekhon as Assistant Professor of Composition

2019 Student Commencement Marshals

Remembering Professor Mark Ballora : Celebration of Life set for Sept. 29, 2019

Penn State Music Education professors and grad students well-represented at 2019 Symposium on Music Teacher Education in North Carolina

School of Music students volunteer in Jamaica

Homecoming Weekend Halftime Show Designed by Doctoral Student in Music Ed, Michquelena Potlunas Ferguson

Cook and Guzman honored for CD of premieres

Art History Ph.D. candidate Janet Purdy receives CLS Alumni Development Fund Award

Art History Ph.D. candidate Tess Kutasz Christensen gives talk in Gustav III's Museum of Antiquities at the Royal Palace, Stockholm

Art History Professor Elizabeth Walters presents paper at 4th International GEM Conference in Cairo

Art History Ph.D. candidate Janet Purdy selected for a 2018-19 Predoctoral Fellowship in the Center for Humanities and Information

Schreyer Scholar Doran Tucker's Art History research paper accepted by international conferences

Arts and Architecture staff members Carolyn Lucarelli, visual resources curator, and Stephanie Swindle Thomas, public relations specialist, participate in VRA annual conference

Art History faculty member Chang Tan presents at College Art Association Conference

Art History grad student Aaron Ziolkowski represents department at CASVA symposium

Art History student Maggie Davis participates in collaborative investigation between Palmer Museum of Art and the Materials Characterization Lab

Art History faculty member Daniel Zolli organizes panel, gives paper at meeting of the American Association for Italian Studies

Art History Ph.D. candidate Janet Purdy named Fulbright finalist for 2018-19

Article by Andee Middleton published in "Aegyptiaca: Journal of the History of the Reception of Ancient Egypt" in memory of Art History Professor Brian Curran

Art History Ph.D. candidate Lauren Goad Davis presents paper at Cultural Histories of Air and Illness Conference at University of Warwick