July 07, 2021
Dear College of Arts and Architecture Faculty, Staff, and Students:
I hope you are having a good summer and enjoying activities that were not possible during the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the pandemic is not yet over, vaccination is one key factor in allowing us to move forward and safely resume gathering with friends and family, traveling, and attending events.
The University strongly encourages vaccination for anyone who is eligible. In accordance with current guidance, individuals who are vaccinated do not need to wear a mask indoors on our campuses, but wearing a mask is expected for unvaccinated individuals. The College of Arts and Architecture is making plans for in-person performances, student engagement events, alumni gatherings, and other activities, yet we reserve the right to adjust our plans for these events and activities based on conditions regarding COVID-19.
Penn State students and employees are strongly urged to share their vaccine status with the University, to allow for appropriate planning for the fall. If you are vaccinated and have not already filled out the survey in President Barron’s recent emails, click here. Through August 23, students and employees who have shared their vaccine status with the University will be eligible for various prizes, including $1000, Barnes & Noble gift cards, and a football signed by Coach James Franklin. See this Penn State News article for more information.
The University may need to put measures into place for unvaccinated employees and students if not enough members of our community are vaccinated. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of vaccination to help us as a college be successful this fall. Keep in mind that the timeline to be fully vaccinated takes several weeks, so it is important to act now to ensure you are vaccinated well before the start of the fall semester.
The College of Arts and Architecture community has shown amazing resolve and resilience in the face of the pandemic. From performances staged in living rooms to socially distanced studio critiques and virtual exhibitions, our students, faculty, and staff have demonstrated incredible creativity and determination. We are all anxious to resume safely the in-person interactions that are so important in the arts and design disciplines. I encourage everyone to do their part, so the 2021–22 academic year will be all it is promised to be.

B Stephen Carpenter II
Michael J. and Aimee Rusinko Kakos Dean in the College of Arts and Architecture
The Pennsylvania State University