Benitez Publishes Second Edition of Book on Olivier Messiaen

Vincent P. Benitez, associate professor of music theory, has recently published the second edition of his book, Olivier Messiaen: A Research and Information Guide. Released by Routledge in September 2017, this new book presents scholars with the most significant and helpful resources on Olivier Messiaen, one of the 20th century's greatest composers. Building upon his extensive archival research on Messiaen at the Département de la musique, Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris, Professor Benitez provides a detailed accounting of the manuscripts of the Fonds Olivier Messiaen housed at the BnF. Olivier Messiaen: A Research and Information Guide is Professor Benitez's second book on the composer, the first one being the guide's initial edition (Routledge, 2008). Professor Benitez is currently finishing a third book on Messiaen, which is an analytical monograph on the composer's opera, Saint François d'Assise, to be published by Indiana University Press in 2018.

For more information about Olivier Messiaen: A Research and Information Guide, go to the Routledge website at:

Schools and Departments: School of Music