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Walt Disney World interdisciplinary student engagement trip offers "magical" experience

Blue Band receives financial boost for band member support funds

Miller/Junker Family Music Scholarship extended

College announces latest Faculty Research Grant recipients

Penn State Centre Stage returns to professional summer theatre

Palmer Museum highlights recently acquired contemporary works in new exhibition

Board of Trustees approves architect for new and expanded University Art Museum

Retiring Dean Barbara Korner encourages graduates to "let your life speak" in commencement address

College of Arts and Architecture student marshals lead classmates in May 4 graduation ceremony

SoVA ceramics graduate chosen for revered student project network

Graef awarded Erickson grant

School of Music pianist excels in international competition

College of Arts and Architecture mourns the loss of music professor Mark Ballora

College of Arts and Architecture faculty lead intergenerational performance at Foxdale Village

SoVA alumnus wins Rome Prize

Public invited to dedication of The Barbara O. and James R. Korner Tower Terrace

Music ed grad student wins teaching award

Edgy new musical "The Last Day" adds another chapter to Reid's Penn State story

Dean Korner addresses need for more interaction between arts researchers and science researchers at APLU meeting

Lenze promoted to senior director of development

Stubbs named director of Office of Digital Learning in College of Arts and Architecture

Catching Up with Kirsten Grigor ('01 B.F.A. Drawing and Painting)

International tours a highlight for Penn State choir members