The Art History Dissertations and Abstracts from North American Institutions dataset represents over a year of work collecting, collating, amending, and researching art history PhD dissertations submitted to CAA since 1980.
The work was carried out by Catherine Adams and Carolyn Lucarelli of the Center for Virtual/Material Studies at Penn State, and art history graduate students, Jennifer Glissman, Emily Hagen, and Kyle Marini. The dissertations and dataset present a rich area of study for the ways in which the field of art history has evolved over the last 40 years. The dataset presents over 6,000 dissertations from over 80 North American institutions. To enhance the value of the dataset and to create a fuller picture of the field of art history, the abstracts for the submitted dissertations were added when possible. This bibliography provides a historical look at the field and has already spurred an interest in digital humanities projects using both textual and network analyses.