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Fungal Biomaterials and Biofabrication Workshop to be held at Penn State

A horizontal line of differently sized, mixed media art works that are each colorful and abstract

Work of late School of Visual Arts alumnus carries on through his brother

The words Full Transparency in bold white text on a blue background.

Graphic design students to host “Full Transparency” capstone exhibition

A poster encouraging people to vote on Nov. 3 showing a person in a blue shirt with stickers that read "Hello, I'm privileged," "whatever," and "Didn't Vote 2020."

Graphic design student’s work selected for national exhibition

Cello players on stage

Cello Choir invited to perform at state music conference

Center seeking grant proposals from Penn State faculty to integrate multimedia opera into curriculum

The base of the MycoKnit showing the yarn-knitted textiles on which mycelium-based composites will grow.

Interdisciplinary Penn State team awarded SOM Foundation Research Prize

Four jurors observe presentation on an overhead projector given by a contestant in the arts business ideas competition

Public invited to hear arts business ideas as part of Startup Week

A woman holding a sign for the Juniata River Trail in front of her amid a background of plants.

Three Stuckeman School students receive honors in regional design competition

green seedling sprouting from the soil.

College names third cohort of Sustainability Teaching Fellows

A girl with a beehive hairdo watches an actor dressed in a frilly housedress sing dramatically.

Tickets on sale now for ‘Hairspray’ April 14 at Eisenhower

Headshot of Eliza Pennypacker

Stuckeman School professor awarded 'outstanding administrator' honor

Three musicians hold their instruments made from beach trash.

Small Island Big Song to perform April 7 at Eisenhower

Students using CPAD Lab

Learn more about using technology in the arts and design at CPAD open house on March 25

A diverse group of people stand on a stage.

Mwenso and The Shakes concert rescheduled for April 19

headshot of Jessica Fegley

Landscape architecture graduate student receives Milbourn Fellowship award

Head shot of a young woman with redish hair and red lipstick smiling

Art education grad student addresses violence against women through interactive art map

Hip-hop duo Soul Science Lab joins ‘Meeting the Moment’ starting April 18

Mauro Spinazzè

Baroque concert to feature 17th- and 18th-century music from Venice

Promotional image for Proposals for Other Worlds: Architectures, Materials, Interactions virtual conference.

Penn State to host architecture, interactive design, textiles virtual meeting

Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra and Wynton Marsalis to celebrate Mingus March 31 at Eisenhower

A man wearing a coastal headdress looks off into the distance.

Most spring events available to University Park students for $5 per ticket

A woman smiles and rests her right arm on the back of a park bench.

Center for the Performing Arts Director Sita Frederick reflects on an inaugural year full of highlights, challenges