Locke publishes article in French HiCSA Editions

Cézanne Etang Soeurs
Paul Cézanne, L’Étang des Soeurs, Osny, près de Pontoise, 1875, oil on canvas, 60 x 73.5 cm. London: The Courtauld Gallery. © Christopher Campbell
Nancy Locke has published “Piquer, plaquer: Cézanne, Pissarro, et la peinture au couteau à palette,” in HiCSA Editions: Histoire culturelle et sociale de l’art (26/01/2021). Edited by Barbara Jouves-Hann and Hadrien Viraben, the collection probes the materiality of painting via a consideration of the artist’s gesture. Paul Cézanne, L’Étang des Soeurs, Osny, près de Pontoise, 1875, oil on canvas, 60 x 73.5 cm. London: The Courtauld Gallery. © Christopher Campbell https://hicsa.univ-paris1.fr/documents/pdf/PublicationsLigne/Actes%20Jouves_2021/03_06_Locke_def.pdf

Schools and Departments: Department of Art History
Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Art History, Master of Arts in Art History, Ph.D. in Art History, Art History Minor