STATE! Musical Theatre Summer Program
Immersive theatre training!
Summer Theatre Artistic Training Experience (STATE) is an intensive two-week musical theatre summer program for high school students about to enter 11th or 12th grades.
To give focused and talented young artists a two-week immersion in collegiate musical theatre training at Penn State. Students will get a sample of the rigors of artistic training as well as an idea of the unique components of integrated training that are the hallmark of Penn State Musical Theatre. Practical classes and advice in navigating the college audition process as well as the professional musical theatre industry will also be included.
Students will train with Penn State faculty, guest professionals, and noted alumni in all three areas of musical theatre (voice, acting, dance). Individualized attention and private instruction are also included. Days also include the integrated approach to musical theatre unique to Penn State through studio classes. Evenings include master classes, cabarets, and a menu of offerings for the serious musical theatre student.
Program Details
- Dates: June 22 – July 5, 2025 (Arrival and check-in date June 22, camp activities begin on June 23)
- Cost: $3250 (Includes instruction, private lessons, master classes, housing, and food)
- Participants: 30–35 (Acceptance is by audition; students interested in applying should be entering the 11th or 12th grade in Fall 2025)

Important Program Details
Applying for STATE!
Deadlines and Decisions
Applications will be accepted from January 1 – March 1, 2025. Decisions will be sent via Acceptd on March 17, 2025.
The registration and health forms will be due – along with payment in full – by April 1, 2025.
S.T.A.T.E. will follow all University COVID-19 guidelines that are in place at the time of camp. You can learn about Penn State’s current COVID response and view up-to-date policies and frequently asked questions on the Coronavirus Information site. Additional COVID guidelines specific to residential camps are currently under development and will be shared in the near future. Anyone who registers before the guidelines are announced will have the option to cancel their registration with no penalty if they choose.
Application Materials
All students interested in applying online for the Musical Theatre Intensive at S.T.A.T.E. must submit the following via digital upload at the Penn State Theatre Acceptd website.
- Headshot/Photo
- Resume
- Four video clips (requirements follow)
Video Requirements
- Acting: A memorized monologue no longer than ninety seconds from a contemporary script.
- Voice: Two contrasting vocal pieces (no longer than one minute each). One ballad, one uptempo. One of your songs must be written prior to 1970. Please use live or recorded accompaniment.
- Dance: 30-60 seconds of dance, in whatever dance discipline you are most comfortable with: tap, jazz, ballet, modern, African, hip-hop, lyrical, contemporary. No barre work. Please stick to vocabulary and steps you are familiar with and can execute well. We just want to see where you are in your dance training. Give us a minute of what will show us YOU through your dance.
Submit your application via Acceptd
All materials must be uploaded no later than March 1, 2025 to be considered.
For questions or more information contact Shannon Ritter.
About Penn State Musical Theatre
The Musical Theatre B.F.A. degree program is an intensive pre-professional training program with alumni working around the country and the world.
Our faculty is made up of artists dedicated to both the profession and the academy. As working actors, dancers, music directors, choreographers, and directors, we bring our students Broadway, national tour, regional theatre, and film and television experience. With a ratio of thirteen faculty to forty-nine students, the training is individualized, specific, and demanding.
Students accepted into the program will receive specialized training in singing, acting, and dance. In addition to this training, Penn State Musical Theatre offers signature initiatives like the New Musicals Initiative (which commissions musical theatre writers to write for our students), the Master Class Series, and our unique Musical Theatre Wellness Center – which assists our students in the areas of Mental, Physical, Vocal, and Nutritional Health during their training.