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2023 OAE Town Hall
What Does Change Look Like?
Arts and Architecture All-College Virtual Town Hall, February 2023
One hundred and fifteen members of the Arts and Architecture community attended the February 8, 2023, Town Hall. Forty-five provided feedback about their experience through the post-town hall survey. The majority of the survey’s respondents were staff (60%), followed by faculty (24.4%), students and administrators (both, 6.7%).
In summarizing some of the feedback, it is clear everyone appreciated student participation and wanted to hear more from them, along with additional opportunities for intimate and large group discussions. Accountability, making student and other issues more visible, and creating a culture of inclusive responsibility are still important to many in creating an equitable culture of belonging. Respondents got the most out of the breakout groups and the panel.
The purpose of bringing everyone together for the Town Hall in the context of What Does Change Look Like? was to provide real time examples from members of our community advancing our anti-racist and anti-oppressive goals, and to share the work the OAE has engaged in in the past year. Although significant work was presented, for some, it wasn’t enough or may not have counted as effective action. Others offered ideas and appreciated some of what was accomplished already.
Perhaps we need better ways to communicate our progress and work to each other. Change is unsatisfyingly slow, yet it is happening. Kudos to those that shared what they were willing to do individually to further equity, inclusion and belonging at the college or in their units. You are important to getting us where we want to go.
Post-Town Hall Survey Responses
The entire survey results are presented here. Click on each section to view responses.