October 01, 2019
School of Music students volunteer in Jamaica

Jillian Brannan (junior) and Geneva Maldonado (sophomore), music majors at Penn State University, were accepted and studied abroad this summer with the†Jamaica†Field Service Project. Both of these students completed service-learning work in the local schools, while living and studying in rural†Jamaica. For ten days these Penn State students immersed themselves in the traditions, music, and culture of†Jamaica†alongside university students from across the United States and Canada.†While in†Jamaica†these Penn State students volunteered in the local primary schools - teaching music and donating musical instruments and much needed school supplies. You can see photos of†Jillian, Geneva, and their classmates working in†Jamaica†at the link below:
Said Jillian of her experience in†Jamaica, ?Going to†Jamaica†with JAFSP, was the trip of a lifetime. Being able to experience real†Jamaica†taught me so much more than a resort†ever could. I gained a unique and authentic education from the passionate instructors and supervisors. The children at the schools are†one of the best parts of the trip. They are so genuinely happy and thankful that we are there to teach them music, and that makes†everything worth it. I would recommend this program to every student interested in experiencing a unique education opportunity!"
Through this SUNY accredited service-learning program, university students volunteer in their area of specialization, volunteering in the schools and in the island's care centers, orphanages, and hospitals. In addition to their volunteer work, students also explore the diverse culture of this vibrant Caribbean country. For more information on JAFSP, click here.