April 23, 2024
Performance artists invited to audition for Sept. 14 Move Mix Festival

Ady Martínez Latin Dance Party performs at the 2023 Move Mix Festival, which featured touring artist Red Baraat. Artists from the community are invited to audition to perform at this year’s festival.
Credit: Mike FleckUNIVERSITY PARK — Are you comfortable performing on a traditional stage? How about in a hallway, stairwell or under the patio awning? The Center for the Performing Arts welcomes audition applications from artists of various types to join the second annual Move Mix Festival.
The Move Mix Festival on Saturday, Sept. 14, at Eisenhower Auditorium is an event that celebrates community, culture and connection. The second annual free, family-friendly event features touring guest performers, local artists, food vendors and activities for all ages.
Local performers of a variety of styles are invited to apply to join the celebration in unusual spaces throughout the building. Performers of all artistic genres will be considered, including improv comedians, musicians and singers, step dancers, poets, acrobats, beatboxers, sound designers, one-man bands, one-woman shows, practitioners of the carnival arts and more.
Visit Move Mix audition form to apply and for submission details and eligibility criteria.
Applications are due by midnight Sunday, April 28. A video work sample will be required. Compensation will be provided to artists chosen to perform.
“We know this campus and community is teeming with talent, so we are hoping to receive a large number of performance submissions,” said Laura Sullivan, the center’s marketing and communications director.
Email cfpa@psu.edu for more information.
For more information, visit the Center for the Performing Arts online, Facebook and Instagram.