October 01, 2019
Judy Chicago Art Education Award Invites Submissions

The nonprofit art organization Through the Flower invites artists, scholars and educators to apply for the annual award named in honor of Judy Chicago, one of the Feminist Art Movement?s key founders. Penn State, through the University Libraries, is one of three institutions nationwide that houses content comprising the Judy Chicago Portal and administers the award.
The Judy Chicago Art Education Award, supported by author Faye Kellerman, includes a printed certificate and $1,000, to be given to the project selected by jurors representing the three institutions that house content comprising the Judy Chicago Portal. They include Judy Chicago?s Visual Archive at the Bettye Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center at the National Museum of Women in the Arts; Judy Chicago?s paper archives at the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America at Harvard University; and Judy Chicago?s Art Education Collection at Penn State University Libraries? Eberly Family Special Collections Library, which includes the K-12 ?Dinner Party? Curriculum Project.
Applicants who have developed primary research or teaching projects related to†?The Dinner Party? Curriculum Project or another project incorporating any Judy Chicago archival content, at any of the three archives, must demonstrate how their teaching or research has utilized the underlying principles in the collections, and has furthered the goals of Judy Chicago ? to extend understanding of and appreciation for the achievements of women.
Applications for the award must be received by March 1 and must include a public presentation of the applicant?s work ? such as a lecture, publication or class activity ? as well as a short biography, a 300- to 500-word description of the project and the public presentation, and any necessary supporting material.
Submission details are available online at https://libraries.psu.edu/judychicagoaward. For questions or more information about the award, contact Karen Estlund at kme20@psu.edu.
Click here for complete information.