October 01, 2019
Four University Choir Students Tour Kenya

In December 2017, Penn State professor Steven Hankle and four University Choir students traveled to Kenya to participate in the Avoice4Peace tour.† Representatives from three American choirs (Penn State, Florida State, and Texas Tech) and the Nairobi Chamber Chorus participated in the tour where they sang in different venues in and around Nairobi, Kenya. The purpose of the tour was to build bridges between the two countries through choral music. The American choir members also learned and experienced choral music in interactive sessions presented by Muyale Joseph Inzai, artistic director of the Kenyan Boy's and Girl's choirs, and the artistic director of the Blend Ensemble of Kenya, Sylvester Otieno.
Touring music education student Anthony Roncolato wrote the following regarding his Kenya experience:
?AVoice4Peace is a project dedicated to bringing moments of peace to the violent world in which we live through song and fellowship.
There were many things that I could remark on that were beautiful and inspiring about my time in Kenya - the awesome power of the lions on our safari, the encapsulating beauty of the plains, or the imposing grandeur of Mt. Longonot -but most amazing†were†the people I met. I will never forget the hospitality of our hosts, the endless knowledge of Kenyan wildlife and wisdom of our safari guides, and the tangible joy that emerged from each and every singer who shared their song with us. I will never forget the songs we sang together and the meals we shared.
To say anything less than that I fell in love with Kenya and the people I met there would be an understatement. I also know that it is a memory that I will appreciate more and more as I grow older. I learned that peace will not come about by a single moment, but by the little moments we share with those around us, especially those who seem the most different from us.?