October 01, 2019
Edwin W. Zoller Gallery Hosts Saturday School Exhibition

The Penn State School of Visual Arts? Saturday School exhibition, Creators. Thinkers. Doers., †is on view through Saturday, December 9, in SoVA?s Edwin W. Zoller Gallery. The exhibition showcases work in multiple media produced by students ages 4-18 enrolled in classes taught by advanced Art Education majors under the direction of faculty and graduate assistants over a period of eight weeks. Free and open to the public, a closing reception at the gallery will be held Saturday, December 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., with light refreshments being served.
One of SoVA?s treasured gems, Saturday School is an opportunity for local children and teens to come together to explore ideas and materials. The program focuses on approaches to learning art that are innovative and exciting, and help students experience art in many forms.†Classes are offered in both spring and fall semesters, running Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. ? 11 a.m., and are designed for students at each grade level from preschool through adolescence.