Anderson Lecture Series Welcomes Annica Cuppetelli and Cristobal Mendoza

Lecture Time:†Tuesday, November 13 at 11:30am ? 12:30pm
Lecture Title:†Lines in Space
> Lecture Location: Palmer Museum of Art, Lipcon Auditorium†

Collaborating since 2010, artist duo Annica Cuppetelli and Cristobal Mendoza create installations and objects that combine physical elements with digital technologies, composing sensual, immersive and dynamic experiences.†Their aesthetic approach references mid-century art movements such as Kinetic Art, Op Art and Light Art.

Based in Detroit, their work has been exhibited†at the Denver Art Museum, Logistics Fine Arts (Miami, FL), Red Bull House of Art (Detroit, MI), Muskegon Museum of Art (Muskegon, MI), Museum of Art and History (Lancaster, CA), and Lipscomb University (Nashville, TN). They have participated in many group exhibitions and festivals around the world, including Nemo Festival (Paris, France),†Scopitone†(Nantes, France), ISEA, FILE (SP, Brazil), the Light Art Festival ªAscents´ (Stuttgart Cultural Region),†Lichtrouten†(Luedenscheid, Germany), LIGHT LINE (Center MARS†Abrau, Russia),†Bienal†de Video y Artes†Mediales†in Chile, DLECTRICITY (Detroit, MI), Currents (Santa Fe, NM), among others. Their work is also in public and private collections. In 2015 they were awarded a Kresge Arts in Detroit Visual Art Fellowship. Cuppetelli received her MFA in Fibers from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Mendoza received his MFA in Digital + Media from the Rhode Island School of Design.

Schools and Departments: School of Visual Arts