Call for Applicants: A&A Sustainability Faculty Teaching Fellows

Penn State's College of Arts and Architecture in collaboration with the Sustainability Institute is recruiting faculty and graduate students for the first cohort of the College of Arts and Architecture Sustainability Faculty Teaching Fellows. The Fellows identified through a selection process for the 2019-20 academic year will be provided with a $500 stipend (stipend funds used for salaries or wages will incur fringe costs). The Sustainability Institute will support 10 faculty members and the Office of Research, Creative Activity and Graduate Studies in the College of Arts and Architecture will support at least four graduate students. Expectations of Sustainability Faculty Teaching Fellows:
  • Participate in all of five Sustainability Roundtable sessions (October 14, November 11, February 10, March 16, and April 6) and promote the Sustainability Roundtable Series* in their respective academic programs.
  • Serve as a panel member for one of the Sustainability Roundtable sessions (Case Study Panel Discussion: February 10 and March 16).
  • Submit the modified course syllabus and/or course assignments at the end of the roundtable series to be shared through the Sustainability Institute's online Field Guide to Teaching Sustainability.
  • Assist in the assessment survey at the end of the roundtable series.
* The Sustainability Roundtable Series is organized by Mihyun Kang, research professor and assistant director for sustainability in the College of Arts and Architecture, and Peter Buckland, academic programs manager at the Sustainability Institute, for the transformation and innovation of sustainability education content and pedagogy that inspire to embed sustainability competencies into courses and integrate sustainability into the teaching culture of the college. Through the roundtable series, they will lead discussions on a wide range of topics concerning sustainability, curricular planning, and engagement relevant across the college's academic units. The Sustainability Roundtable Series is supported by the Borland Project Space (BPS) and the Center for Pedagogy in Arts and Design (C-PAD). Apply online for the position of Sustainability Faculty Teaching Fellow by September 15, 2019:
  • A 500-word (maximum) professional statement addressing the applicant's sustainability teaching approaches, how the applicant's discipline is related to sustainability, and how the applicant will utilize and expand the sustainability content and pedagogy discussed during the Sustainability Roundtable Series.
  • A letter of recommendation from the unit director/head.
If you have questions, please contact Mihyun Kang at

Unit Research: Borland Project Space, Center for Pedagogy in Arts and Design
Unit Outreach: