October 01, 2019
2019 Student Commencement Marshals

Congratulations to Ilyse Aber who was named student marshal for the College of Arts and Architecture's 2019 commencement ceremony on May 4th.
From Warrington, PA, Ilyse Aber has completed a Bachelor†of Music Education degree as a member of the Clarinet Studio and student of Anthony J. Costa. Ilyse graduated with a cumulative 4.0 GPA and was active in numerous Penn State ensembles, including the Philharmonic Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Fall Athletic Band, and the Clarinet Choir, for which she served as President in 2018.† In addition to being a Dean's List student, she has received the President's Freshman Award, the President Sparks Award, the Evan Pugh Scholars Award, and the Performer's Recognition Award.† Ilyse plans to obtain a position as an elementary general music teacher and later pursue a master's degree in music education.
Ilyse chose Anthony J. Costa to accompany her as faculty marshal.
Congratulations Ryan Czekaj, who was named student marshal for the School of Music.
A native of Pennsylvania Furnace, Ryan completed a Bachelor†of Music Education degree as a member of the Clarinet Studio and student of†Anthony J. Costa.††Ryan is a recipient of the Performer's Recognition Award, Arts and Architecture Alumni Society Scholarship, Rodney A. Erickson Discovery Research Grant, and Undergraduate Jury Honors.† A Schreyer Scholar, he has presented his research at the National Association for Music Education's Eastern Division Conference. He is a member of The Elgar Society and Encore benefiting THON. Ryan plans to pursue a career as a high school band director.
Ryan chose Dennis Glocke to accompany him as faculty marshal.