Marc Miller

  • Stuckeman School Associate Director of Access, Wellbeing, and Equity
  • Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture

321 Stuckeman

Marc Miller


Marc Miller has earned degrees in art history, fine arts, architecture, and landscape architecture. His research focuses on representations of landscape in popular culture, synthesizing these lessons learned in culture, politics, making, craft, and scale. At the core of all this research is the idea that landscape architectural ideation and imagery must shift to look towards problem solving for the future instead of repeating design processes from the past to remain relevant. The goal is to teach students how to be critical of the past and responsive to their futures using speculative thinking and design fiction.

To that end, Miller explores contemporary forms of media to communicate design problems to broad audiences. He focuses primarily on television and similar serial-based narratives. He is also interested in other mediums that enable world building to construct conversations and ideas about future landscapes.

Miller was named the Stuckeman School's associate director of access, wellbeing, and equity in June 2024. He oversees the school's Access, Wellbeing, and Equity (AWE) Ambassadors program.

Collected Works