Ann Holt
- Assistant Professor of Art Education
30C Borland
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- Phone 814-863-7313
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Ann Holt, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of art education at Penn State. She is an advisor and artist teacher with Arts Action Group, an international community-based collective committed to facilitating arts initiatives with children and youth in conflict-affected environments. She serves as research coordinator of the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Women’s Caucus and an NAEA liaison to NYSATA’s ED&I task force.
Her research, teaching, and writing encompass social justice issues involving marginalized art education histories, arts, and culture in global development, social transformation, and healing as well as research on and with archives to broaden understanding about engaging art education archival records. She focused two studies on aspects of Penn State’s art education history including “Mary E. Godfrey (1913-2007): Penn State’s First African American Full-Time Faculty Member” (2017), and “Lowenfeld at Hampton (1939-1946): Empowerment, Resistance, Activism, and Pedagogy (2012). Holt recently co-edited “Arts and Culture in Global Development Practice: Expression, Identity, and Empowerment….” (Routledge, 2022); and co-authored, “Teaching and Assessing Social Justice Art Education: Power, Politics, and Possibilities” (Routledge, 2022).
Holt holds a B.F.A. in painting from the San Francisco Art Institute and an M.A. in art education from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. She completed her doctoral work in art education with a minor in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies at Penn State exploring a feminist transdisciplinary orientation to the Judy Chicago Art Education Collection. Holt’s artmaking encompasses a variety of materials and responds to her lived experience, research, and teaching.