The Borland Project Space (BPS) illuminates the vibrant research culture of the College of Arts and Architecture. We look to expand the definition of research to encompass the full range of diverse creative practices in which we engage to create new knowledge in our disciplines. Our goal is to move beyond traditional notions of exhibition, performance, and scholarly programming to reveal the processes of arts research.
We strive to deepen our understanding of artistic processes and creative phenomena by emphasizing the process, exploration, and intellectual engagement that artists undergo in their research endeavors. Thus, we prioritize ongoing projects and works in progress over finished artworks and final research products.
By placing ongoing research projects in a gallery-like setting, the Borland Project Space brings transparency to the research process in all its forms and stages, offering a comprehensive and immersive experience that highlights the research journey undertaken by artists.
Exhibitions may include documentation of the creative process, artist/research statements, multimedia presentations, cross-disciplinary collaborations, process demonstrations, temporal presentations (displaying multiple iterations of a work or presenting a timeline of key milestones in the research process), educational components, discussion panels, Q&A sessions, etc.
In addition, we seek to engage the larger community through events held in conjunction with each featured arts research project. We also welcome classroom research activities, gatherings, community-building events, and wellness programs.
Questions, inquiries, reservations?
Contact Zsuzsanna Nagy at zzn24@psu.edu.