Bach’s Lunch – School of Music Voice Area Noontime Concert Vocal Literature & Voice Pedagogy

Date & Time: April 17, 2025 from 12:10 PM - 12:45 PM

Event Sponsors: School of Music

Location: Eisenhower Chapel, Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Other Dates: Apr 3 Apr 10

Admission Type: Free, no registration or ticket required

Upper-level students from these classes combine to present packages of operatic arias in mock auditions.

"Bach's Lunch" is a weekly Thursday afternoon concert series during the school year, jointly sponsored by the School of Music and the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development (CSED). Concerts begin at 12:10 p.m. and are approximately thirty minutes in length and are held in Eisenhower Chapel - directly next door to the School of Music (or other facility as arranged).

These popular concerts are brief in order to make it possible for the University community to attend during the lunch hour.

For more information please contact: Professor Norman Spivey via email