Amaryllis Park

  • Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture
  • Residential neighborhoods

  • Environmental disparities

  • Environmental justice

  • Built environment

  • Natural environment

  • Community planning

  • Everyday activities

  • Environment for children and family

Amaryllis Park


Obtaining her bachelor and master’s degrees in architecture along with her professional design experience in the field, Amaryllis Park earned her doctorate in urban and regional science from the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University. She has developed her passion for the relationship between neighborhood environments and children’s everyday activities within, understanding that the role of architects and planners is not just to provide environments that physically support people but also to consider combined environmental factors, such as general societal perceptions and social variables.

In her doctoral research, Park sought to add new empirical evidence about environment-mobility and health relationships among children by connecting the aspects of neighborhoods (or context), which contribute to spatial disparity issues (e.g., in distance to green space or in coverage of green space) by income and race/ethnicity. She is currently involved in two National Institutes of Health-funded projects in Texas, focused on active living conditions within the city neighborhoods.