Three students hold up bassoons toward audience in auditorium, with backs to camera.

Bassoon Studies

The Penn State Bassoon Studio is led by Professor Daryl Durran. All bassoon students receive an hour-long weekly private lesson with Prof. Durran and attend multiple reed-making classes each week. Bassoon students include performance majors, music education majors, non-music majors, and students pursuing dual degrees in music and another field.

Bassoon students perform in the school’s orchestras, bands, chamber music ensembles, and, on occasion, as a bassoon ensemble.

The School of Music owns a number of bassoons for use by students who do not yet own an instrument and a fine Fox contrabassoon. The bassoon studio owns the expensive reed-making tools – gouger, profiler, shapers, dial indicators – while students provide their own knives, reamers, mandrels, etc.

While bassoon students are very busy with their on-campus performing and studies, there are paid, off-campus playing opportunities in the area’s orchestras.

Whether you aspire to be a professional performer, a music teacher in the schools, or another of the many paths open to music majors, the Penn State Bassoon Studio is a great place to launch your career!

Undergraduate Degrees

Graduate Degrees

Professional Certificate

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