March 28, 2024
It’s always challenging to select a single theme or focus for these messages. We always have lots to share, lots to look forward to, and, perhaps most importantly, lots to celebrate. This message is no different.
On March 28, four of our faculty and staff members were recognized with University-level awards at Penn State’s annual faculty and staff awards ceremony. Congratulations to Bonnie Collura, recipient of the Faculty Scholar Medal in the Arts and Humanities; John Simpkins, recipient of the President’s Award for Engagement with Students; Anna Divinsky, recipient of the Teaching and Learning with Technology Impact Award; and Liz Agler, recipient of the Excellence in Advising Award.
These special individuals were selected from nominees across the University at all campuses. To have one award recipient in any given year is cause for celebration. To have four award recipients in a single year is a true testament to the amazing work we do in our college. I’m so proud of each of these awardees, and grateful for the colleagues who took the time to nominate them.
It’s “awards season” at Penn State and also in the College of Arts and Architecture. We will hold our annual spring awards ceremony on Friday, April 12, scheduled to coincide with Blue and White weekend to allow alumni who arrive in town early to attend. The college awards ceremony will also be livestreamed. A highlight of the semester for me, this ceremony honors faculty, staff, and students who were identified to receive college awards, in addition to recognizing our University-level award winners.
Last week we enjoyed another successful President’s Concert, this year held at the Pullo Center at Penn State York. It is always a joy to be part of this concert, where we not only showcase the incredible talent and hard work in the School of Music, but also connect with the many alumni, friends, and families who attend the event. This year we had the added bonus of performing in a venue designed by architecture alumnus Frank Dittenhafer, past president of our Alumni Society board.
As we enter the last few weeks of the semester, we are gearing up for undergraduate commencement on May 4, when we will be honored to have Gail Anderson as our commencement speaker. Gail is chair of the B.F.A. design and advertising programs at the School of Visual Arts in New York, director at Visual Arts Press, and former senior art director at Rolling Stone. We are continuing our series of public talks with our commencement speaker and I hope you are able to tune in if you cannot attend in person
This year, there will be no lull after commencement, as preparations will be in full swing for the public opening of the Palmer Museum of Art on June 1. The new museum has been on several “museums to watch” lists, and the excitement about the opening is palpable. If you have been considering a summer visit to State College, this is the summer to do it. The new Palmer is not to be missed.
I have just scratched the surface of happenings in the college this spring. If you plan to visit for Blue and White weekend, I hope you will attend the A&A annual tailgate, to be held on April 13, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Korner Tower Terrace. This event is always a good time, and a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with classmates and meet current students.
I typically close these messages by saying I hope to see you at a college event soon. That sentiment remains, but this time I want to add some encouragement to come back to campus, especially if you have not visited recently. And if you make it back, please stop by 124 Borland to say hello. Yes, some things may look different, but the vibrancy of the College of Arts and Architecture has not changed. We Are…because of alumni and friends like you.

B Stephen Carpenter II
Michael J. and Aimee Rusinko Kakos Dean in the College of Arts and Architecture
The Pennsylvania State University