September 29, 2024
It’s hard to believe we are already in the fifth week of the semester. We had a great kickoff to the year with the annual all-college meeting for faculty and staff in August, on top of various welcome events for new students. The energy at the beginning of the fall semester cannot be beat. Meeting new members of the college community and with returning students, faculty, and staff is a brilliant way to begin the academic year.
Just a few weeks into the semester, I met some special alumni and reconnected with many of our donors. In mid-September, we hosted our 2024 Alumni Award winners for several days of activities. The week was capped by our annual donor appreciation event, held this year at the new Palmer Museum of Art (photo gallery). Just one week later, we celebrated with alumni Mary Lou Belli and Michael McIntyre when they received the Alumni Association’s Alumni Fellow award. These activities are always a highlight of the fall semester for me. Thank you to the college’s Advancement team for planning these important recognition events for alumni, donors, and friends.
After celebrating the College of Arts and Architecture’s 60th anniversary last year, we are recognizing three other milestones across the college in 2024–2025.
This year is the 50th anniversary of Eisenhower Auditorium – home of the Center for the Performing Arts. The center has several events planned throughout the year, after kicking off with the Move Mix Festival on September 14.
The Blue Band is celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2024. I was honored to serve as honorary drum major for the Homecoming game against Illinois on September 28, and had a fantastic time, which you may have caught on our social media. We will be sharing more photos from that experience soon.
Last, but far from least, the Glee Club is celebrating its 135th anniversary (along with the 90th anniversary of the Hi-Lo’s) with a weekend of events, October 25–27 (register here). The highlight of the weekend is a concert featuring Glee Club and Hi-Lo alumni choirs on October 26 at 7:30 p.m. at Eisenhower Auditorium.
Other highlights of the semester so far include the continuation of my series of “book conversations” with faculty authors; the Musical Theatre program’s celebration of 10 years of the New Musicals Initiative; and robust programming at the Palmer Museum of Art that takes advantage of the range of spaces at the new museum. Among other events this semester, the museum is partnering with the McCourtney Institute for Democracy for a student engagement/voter registration event on October 4.
If you live near a Penn State campus, stay tuned for a visit from University Laureate Michele Dunleavy, who will conduct public events across the Commonwealth as part of her Laureate duties.
I have only touched the surface of the incredible list of happenings in Arts and Architecture this semester. Please check the college website frequently for our calendar of events and the latest news. As always, thank you for your support, and please keep in touch!

B Stephen Carpenter II
Michael J. and Aimee Rusinko Kakos Dean in the College of Arts and Architecture
The Pennsylvania State University