Daniel Zolli’s edited volume, Contamination and Purity in Early Modern Art and Architecture, published by Amsterdam University Press

Dr. Daniel Zolli has published a volume of ten essays, co-edited with Lauren Jacobi of MIT, titled Contamination and Purity in Early Modern Art and Architecture (Amsterdam University Press). The volume includes a substantial introduction that Zolli co-authored with Jacobi (pp. 17-62). https://www.aup.nl/en/book/9789462988699/contamination-and-purity-in-early-modern-art-and-architecture The Table of Contents and Introduction may be accessed here: https://assets.ctfassets.net/4wrp2um278k7/523d28GyPIEB5PONrA5KlT/3737b4801c834d9280d90da00532bf7c/9789048541003_ToC_Intro.pdf

Schools and Departments: Department of Art History
Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Art History, Master of Arts in Art History, Ph.D. in Art History