Karen Keifer-Boyd
- Professor of Art Education & Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- Coordinator of the Judy Chicago Art Education Collection
- Lead for Social Justice Art Education with Linda Steins Art
210 Arts Cottage
- Email kk-b@psu.edu
- Phone 814.863.7312
- Vitae Download/View CV

Karen Keifer-Boyd, Ph.D., is a professor of art education and women's, gender, and sexuality studies at Penn State.
She is past president of the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Women’s Caucus (2012-2014), NAEA Distinguished Fellow Class of 2013, was the 2012 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Gender Studies at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria. Her first Fulbright Scholars award was in Finland (2006). She is a recipient of a National Art Education Foundation grant (2017-2018) for social justice art education and a National Science Foundation grant (2010-2012) regarding gender barriers in technology. She received the NAEA’s 2013 Edwin Ziegfeld Award, Women’s Caucus 2014 McFee Award, NAEA’s 2015 Technology Outstanding Research Award, and the 2018 Special Needs Lifetime Achievement Award.
She serves on the Art Education Research Institute Steering Committee; the Council for Policy Studies; the NAEA Data Visualization Think Tank, and served on the NAEA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Taskforce and as coordinator of the Caucus on Social Theory in Art Education. She is co-founder and editor of the journal "Visual Culture & Gender."
Her research on feminist pedagogy, inclusion, disability justice, transdisciplinary creativity, transcultural dialogue, and social justice arts-based research are in numerous publications and translated into several languages. She co-authored four books: "Including Difference" (NAEA, 2013); "InCITE, InSIGHT, InSITE" (NAEA, 2008); "Engaging Visual Culture" (Davis, 2007); co-edited "Real-World Readings in Art Education: Things Your Professors Never Told You" (Falmer, 2000); and served as editor of the "Journal of Social Theory in Art Education" and guest editor for "Visual Arts Research."
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