Elizabeth C. Mansfield
- Professor of Art History
18th- and 19th-century European and British art and art historiography
Computer vision, AI, and the history of art
Art History, Visual Studies
10 Borland
- Email ecm289@psu.edu
- Phone 814-865-4886
- Pronouns she/her

Elizabeth Mansfield joined the faculty at Penn State in 2018 and served as department head for a five-year term. Her current projects include a book on the 18th-century history of the Realist movement in European art and literature. She is co-PI of the NEH-funded Constable’s Clouds project, which explores the application of computer vision to the study of 19th-century European art. Historiography is another field of research interest. Recent and upcoming publications include essays on the social history of art, the relevance of computer vision for art history, and the intertwined historiographies of style and realism.